Give us your opinion

What if the testimonies of our users helped you discover GATE and the Saclay Plateau? In this page we let you have your say. Would you like to share with us your background? Your experience at GATE? Feel free to send us a short text or make an appointment with one of our agents for a short interview.

GATE 2020 visiteurs share their opinions with us! 



A very welcoming and very professional place! Thank you for your kindness and help :)”


At last!! a 21st century welcome… human, welcoming. Thank you


“I was welcomed with a big smile, the team is great, friendly and very welcoming. I would like to say that it is one of the most formidable administrative teams I have come across since my stay in France. Thank you so much”. Crycia 🙂


“A big thank you for the hospitality and the kindness of all the agents”.


“A very welcoming and receptive place, this space has encouraged me in my administrative procedures which until now had frightened me a lot. Thank you for your listening and your advice. I hope that it will be/will always be such a space in Essonne, especially in Massy to guide foreign students.
Thank you for existing”. Liliane 🙂